TDCC Women's Wind-Down Tournament

9:00 am
October 5, 2024

Sponsored by The Dalles Country Club Women’s organization

This tournament is open to ALL women members of The Dalles Country Club who have a
current established handicap. (Last year we were able to work with those women without a
Handicap & may be to do it again this year).

This tournament determines the Women’s Club Champion.
• Tee times will begin at 9:00 am.
• The tournament is individual stroke play. 9 hole and 18 hole players are welcome.
• Prizes will be awarded for: a team “best ball”, closest to the line, closest to the water (&
still dry), putts, pay balls and much, much more.

There is NO entry fee.
The Grill Restaurant will be available.
This is meant to be a “FUN” tournament so don’t be shy about entering…. Skill is not a necessity
in this tournament. There will also be some door prizes.
Please bring a White Elephant for the Sunday door Prize.
For registration and questions, please contact:

• Laura Hess at 541-965-0717 or 541-298-8379
• Ross in the Golf Shop at 541-296-5252

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